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Easter sunrise at St. Tudno's Church

Eglwys Sant Tudno: Lleoliad a Mynediad


Mae dau lwybr i yrru neu feicio i Eglwys Tudno Sant, y ddau â bryniau serth. Nid oes gan Eglwys Sant Tudno god post. Mae man parcio ychydig o dan yr eglwys yn y lleoliad hwn:

 Latitude | Longitude  53.33734 N | -3.84969 (3.84969 W)
 Grid Reference  SH 769838
 Plus Code  85P2+R8 Llandudno, UK
 what3words  inclines,shorten,swelling

Llwybr 1

Ar ben Upper Mostyn Street (parhad o Mostyn Street ar y map hwn) croeswch drosodd i Tŷ Gwyn Road ger Gwesty'r Empire. Parhewch i fyny Heol Tŷ Gwyn, yn syth ar draws wrth y goleuadau traffig, i Orsaf Hanner Ffordd y tram. Ychydig y tu hwnt i'r Orsaf Hanner Ffordd, trowch i'r dde i St. Tudno's Road. Parhewch ar Lon Sant Tudno. (DS Bydd Capel Mynwent y Gogarth i’w weld cyn Eglwys Sant Tudno.)

Llwybr 2

O'r gylchfan ar Rhodfa'r Gogledd, cymerwch Heol y Fali i'r Tolldy a Marine Drive. Parhewch o amgylch Marine Drive heibio’r penrhyn cyntaf ac mae’r ffordd i St. Tudno’s ar y chwith. (DS Mae Marine Drive yn un ffordd ac mae yna doll ar gyfer gyrru ar y ffordd.)


Mae amryw o lwybrau troed ar y Gogarth a fydd yn eich galluogi i gerdded i lawr o Gopa'r Gogarth neu i fyny o Happy Valley, er enghraifft.

Ymwelwyr â chadeiriau olwyn, bygis, pramiau, ac ati.

Mae grisiau i fyny i'r fynwent o'r maes parcio islaw'r eglwys. Fodd bynnag, mae llwybr llyfn i lawr o borth y fynwent uwchben yr eglwys a lle i un car dynnu drosodd. Mae un gris bach (tua 5 cm / 2″) i mewn i ddrws gorllewinol yr eglwys. Mewn tywydd gwyntog iawn weithiau mae angen cadw'r drws gorllewinol ar gau ac mae grisiau yn y fynedfa drwy'r porth. Os gall un o'r parti reoli'r grisiau, gellir agor y drws gorllewinol o'r tu mewn ond caewch ef eto pan fyddwch yn gadael.


St. Tudno's Church: Location and Access


There are two routes to drive or cycle to St. Tudno’s Church, both with steep hills. St. Tudno’s Church does not have a post code. There is a parking space just below the church at this location:

 Latitude | Longitude  53.33734 N | -3.84969 (3.84969 W)
 Grid Reference  SH 769838
 Plus Code  85P2+R8 Llandudno, UK
 what3words  inclines,shorten,swelling

Route 1

At the top of Upper Mostyn Street (a continuation of Mostyn Street on this map) cross over to Ty Gwyn Road by the Empire Hotel. Continue up Ty Gwyn Road, straight across at the traffic lights, to the tram Half Way Station. Just beyond the Half Way Station, turn right into St. Tudno’s Road. Continue on St. Tudno’s Road. (NB The Great Orme Cemetery Chapel will be seen before St. Tudno’s Church.)

Cemetery Chapel and St. Tudno's
The municipal Great Orme Cemetery Chapel is often confused for St. Tudno's Church | Mae Capel dinesig Mynwent y Gogarth yn aml yn ddryslyd i Eglwys Sant Tudno

Route 2

From the roundabout on North Parade take Happy Valley Road to the Toll House and Marine Drive. Continue around Marine Drive past the first promontory and the road to St. Tudno’s is on the left. (NB Marine Drive is one-way and there is a toll for driving on the road.)


There are various footpaths on the Great Orme which will enable you to walk down from the Great Orme Summit or up from Happy Valley, for example.

Visitors with wheelchairs, buggies, prams, etc.

There are steps up into the churchyard from the parking area below the church. However, there is a smooth path down from the lych gate above the church and room for one car to pull over. There is one small step (about 5 cm / 2″) into the west door of the church. In very windy weather it is sometimes necessary to keep the west door closed and the entrance via the porch has steps. If one of the party can manage the steps, the west door can be opened from inside but please close it again when you leave.